Looking for Other Newsie Sites? Well, you have come to the right place! I will be adding more soon!

The Evil Insanity of A NewsieVery funny page! You can vewi comic strips based on the movie, and even adopt newsies.

City Hall ParkThe true story of the newsie strike. It has real newspaper articles that explain the strike. Sorry to burst peoples bubbles but Jack was made up.

The News Spotas tons of links, shows the history of newsies and even has sound wavs that I don't have! A must see!

Newsies, Newsies, and more NewsiesA site with really, really good fanfics, observation, newsie polls and a lot more! I know I love this site and I know you will. Don't just sit there taking my word for it and go already!

Racetrack's Newsie PageHas quotes, obssesions, webrings and tons of other stuff. If ya love Racetrack then go here.

Newies Isn't Just a Movie, It's a way of LifeNot totally just a newsie site. Still this person is after my own heart! She has Newsie stuff as well as my fave band O-TOWN!

Manhattan's GirlHas tons of stories based on Newsies

Newsie Movie ScriptThe title says it all

Lodging House Fan-fictionMy fave fanfiction site. Go there!

Brooklyn and Echo's Newsie JunkLots of cool and weird things dedicated to the movie Newsies

The Palace NewshouseReally nice site. It has photo galleries, animations, fanfiction and tons more!

The Newsies CornerHas ribbons that you can use for your site, newsie articles, and tons of other nifty stuff!(Did I just say nifty? >.< I need ta be put back on me medication)