Are you a Newsie yet? Read and find out...

-You secretly live in fear of your favorite newsie saying he's gay and your life as you know it ending.

-You write the lyrics to Carrying the Banner instead of taking notes in class. (Am I alone here?)

-Davey and Denton 'making eyes' at each other becomes so disgusting you cannot bear to watch the movie.

-You get on your kitchen table and sing "King of New York" just like Racetrack

-You've won the Newsie Drinking Game... several times.

-You're thinking of getting a newsie tattoo.

-You are unable to watch the movie because you can't come to terms with the fact that it's only a movie and it has to end. (Oy, it hurts...)

-You are a character in the movie, but *Shhh* no one else can see you.

-You convince your father he should start wearing bow ties.

-You stand on furniture and wave eating utensils while screaming lines from the movie. (I'm alone again...)

-You find any fan-fic about 'your' newsie offensive and violating. In extreme cases, this may send you into a state of shock, especially if it's good fan-fic. (Kid Blinks's MINE, ok? *grumbles and mutters curses to herself*)

-You become obsessed with Denton, and it's thoroughly grosses you out. (It happens, ok?)

-Random people on the street start to resemble newsies. (This guy looked like Pie Eater! I swear!)

-You dream about being the mayors daughter so you spend Saturday night with Kid Blink (...What? Like you never had that dream?)

-You spend your free time trying to imitate that kid on the CD cover and make a complete fool of yourself.

-You can fall just like Jack when he gets punched during the rally. (Am I alone once more?) I've seen you do that too.

-You've been known to chase after people screaming "I'll soak ya, ya dirty rotten scabba'!".

-You unconsciously slip into a New York accent at random intervals during the day.

-You find it more natural to answer to your newsie name.

-Your parents worry you're developing a multiple personality disorder. (Hi, my real name is Liz, and I'd like you to meet everyone! This is Kitten, Twigs, Slip, Ditz, and Flakey.)

-You notice that Crutchy's ears really stick out. In fact, you desperately want to flick one of them because, well... it looks kinda fun. (Yep, I'm definitely alone here.)

-You are beginning to think that Medda's clothes are really cool.

-You start seeing Itey everywhere. It's incessant. You start to wonder if he's seducing you...

-You beg your parents to get a fire escape. (So what if your house is the middle of row houses...)

-You sit around and look at maps of New York and find it incredibly entertaining. (Hey, I know where Midtown is! And I'm from Maryland. Yah, you betcha!)

-You know the hand slap routine from King of New York. You had to watch it 14 times to get it right and you're very proud of yourself.

-You actually know that Jack's shirt is not really gray. It's striped.

-You begin to understand what Medda is saying thorough that bad accent.

-The movie plays itself over and over in your brain.

-You know how to make a belt with a rope tied in a cool knot. (It's the ultimate accessory, I tell ya!)

-Your dream is to go to Brooklyn just so you can scream off the Brooklyn Bridge. (AAAAHHHHHHHH!)

-You were traumatized when your copy of Newsies didn't have the drug service announcement at the beginning. (Hey, I was. Then I managed to obtain a copy of the drug announcement...uh...long story.)

-You consider buying copies of Newsies and distributing them amongst your relatives so you can watch it when you are at their house (It's a good idea!)

-You consider writing to Disney in hopes that they will sell you old props.

-You scavenge every single Planet Hollywood restaurant you can find in hopes that they will have some Newsie memorabilia in one of those cases.

-You think a Newsie-themed birthday party is a really cool idea.

-You were a newsie for Halloween. (Don't make fun of me!)

-You have a complete set of 'newsie' clothes which you like to put on every time you watch the movie. You claim it enhances the viewing experience.

-Friends, family, and school begin to fade into the background. It's no longer just a movie. The Newsie logo is burned into your corneas. Newsies is life, nothing else matters...

Congratulations! Welcome to the club!