We can start with my input.
1. If you're ever in need of help, there's a newsie just around the corner to come to your rescue.
,br>2. If someone nicknames you Snoddy, then you know something's wrong with the way you act.
3. If you get a chance to meet a newsie leader, take it. They always turn out to be really cute.
4. Never leave chicken sitting on the table when you're singing with a bunch of newsboys.
5. Dying your hair orange just might attract a few newsboys.
6. For every situation, there is a song to be sang.
7. Writing really large words is a good tool in motivating people.
8. It's good to be the mayor's daughter.
9. When you have a funny laugh, people tend to think that you're flirting.
10. Life is short. Bet on slow horses more.
11. It's not effeminate for a guy to wear a pink undershirt.
12. Fat old guys with white hair are bad. Skinny old guys with white hair are good.
13. Having the New York State Governor- and the future President of the USA- on your side never hurts
14. Slingshots in New York City around the turn of the century made a REALLY cheesy sound.
15. If you can't be a newsie, you have to be a scab. If you have to be a scab, life ain't worth livin'. If life ain't worth livin', you'd think the smart thing to do would be to kill yourself.. Hence the phrase, "dumbass scabs".
16. If you're the one who looks the most Italian but you spend all your time at the races, everyone will call somebody else Itey and you'll be stuck with Racetrack.
17. Don't order more than you can eat and then wrap your leftovers in Denton's article- it just pisses off your brother.
18. Never let down a bunch of poor orphans and runaways, you'll get sucked into their last-minute scheme in the end.
19. Bread and coffee is a balanced enough breakfast for a physique like Mush's.
20. It ain't lyin', it's improving the truth.
21. Never sell papes without perusin' the merchandise.
22. It doesn't matter how many times you tell them, they're still going to call you Weasel.
23. When in need, befriend a reporter.
24.Those who are cute but do not get a big part get nicknames by the fans who watch. (e.g.: Bumlets-- the guy who swings on the fan. Dutchy-- the guy who painted the STRIKE sign and asked Kloppman if he spelled it right. Snoddy-- the newsie who went out with ::shudder:: Elle Keats...)
25. If you give a kid your cowboy hat, he'll look at you like you're the greatest person on earth-- no matter HOW dirty or sweatstained it is.
26. Guys who go to school don't have New York accents (this also includes their immediate family).
27. Sticks are a vital part of a newsie's dancing routine (Carrying the Banner, anyone? How many of the boys carry sticks along with them? Too many, I say.)
28. If you're planning to carry a friend's little brother home, it's a good idea to throw your cigarette away first.
29. If you want to be a newsie, your voice has to ECHO through the streets.
30. Everything changes when you get a leader.
31. If you want to be a publisher, you have to "Go west, young man."
32. Asking for tips takes constant practice.
33. People who don't want to get up will call you names or hit you.
34. Guard all valuable possesions or someone will steal them.
35. Always brush your teeth before you sing.
36. A real crip doesn't have a chance.
37. Get dressed quickly or the camera might catch you with your pants down.
38. Some short redhead will always try boss you around.
39.Nuns have wedding rings and lint on their wimples.
40. Asasination, earthquake, or a war really do make goodheadlines.
41. Singing CTB wakes you faster.
42. Always make fun of anyone named Delancey.
43. Size doesn't matter. Little scrimps don't have to go to the back of the line if they don't want to.
44. Spit-shaking is NOT disgusting.
45. Always tip your hat to a lady.
46. Headlines don't sell papes ( So what does? Have you seen some of the headlines lately, geez..)
47. Someone always thinks that they created the World.(And I don't mean the newspaper)
48. No drinking on the job. it's bad for business(unless of course you're selling alcohol. And even then you're losing money).
49. If anyone asks you to shine their shoes, just sit down beside them.
50. If you have an unexpected dinner guest, add some more water to the soup. And don't wake your little brother so there's enough to go around.
51. Maniac, corpse, lovenest, and nude are stilll catchywords.
52. For a dreamer night's the only time of day. Why should you spend your whole life livin' trapped where there ain't no future?
53. No one tells the horse about hot tips.
54. People will raise prices on you just because it's a nice day.
55. Brooklyn makes people a little noivous.
56. Yell off a bridge, it's fun.
57. If you're a leader you have to accessorize; bandana, key, cane, sling shot, take your pick.
58. News travels fast.
59. Sometimes it's better just to keep your mouth shut
60. Give gifts to people you are afraid will beat you up.
61. Flattery doesn't always work.
62. You have to see to believe ("you gotta show me").
63. Seize the day
64. United we stand, divided we fall
65. A song and dance number will sych you up for a fight.
66. Making faces in a window is a good distraction.
67. When a whistle blows, run.
68. Everyone has someone who pushes them around.
69.You can always find a way past security.
70. Scabbers are always getting soaked. It's a dangerous profession.
71. Everybody dreams about what they'd do if they had money.
72. A song and dance number will burn calories after you eat free food.
73. Always practice your fighting even if it means using stockings as targets.
74. Don't laugh at someone who asks you if you like them.They'll leave you. (Personally, I wish he would leave her for good)
75. Mayors take bribes.
76. Any biggest, loudest, noisiest blowout will get busted by the cops.
77. Always object on the Grounds of Brooklyn.
78. Truth falls on deaf ears.
79. If it's not in the papers, it didn't happen
80. If you want people to hurry up, tell them to get the lead out of their pants
81. No one will ever see you if you ride on the back of a carriage.
82. If you ask someone if they won and they change the subject, they probably lost
83. If you have a big decision to make, stay up all night and think about it.
84. The greatest leaders protect their followers
85. Don't get mad before you know the other side of the story
86. Ask what something is even if you already know.
87. If people are stalking you, don't run into an alley
88. Shouting won't stop someone from beating up your brother.
89. Learn to check someone's pulse. (What did Jack do that for, anyway?)
90. People make a lot of money off child labor.
91. It's better to die than to crawl.
92. Teddy Roosevelt was one cool dude.
93. Someone can be in two places at once
94. The underdog can triumph.
95. Everything's about power.
96. Happy endings are possible
97. Central park is guaranteed.
98. Nature is fascinating when you walk.
99. Leaving your window open at night in New York City isn't the least bit dangerous. Who knows? You might wake up with perfect hair and a hot guy sitting outside your window
instead of getting robbed.
100. When you think your friends are betraying you, listen to the youngest person in the group. No matter how stupid and naive they sound, they are going to be closer to the truth than you are because sometimes your buddy might just be saving your butt and striking can be a good idea.
102. Even though sarcastic comments may only get you a fine or jail sentence when the judge is only worried about his golf game, there will always be a reporter with a terrible tie to help you out.
103. The sun in Santa Fe and New York are the same... and a day without sunlight is like, night!
104. Dressing in pepto-bismal pink everything always gets kids half your age drooling over you, but dressing like Little Bo Peep won't help anything.
105. Almost every newspaper needs a new headline writer, and the good stories are always on the inside.
106. Those stinkin' newspaper machines will never be able to measure up to newsies!
107. Even though there may not be any kids at a vaudeville show, there will still be a guy dressed as a clown to hand out candy.
108. Stealing a person's hat is a good insult... no one can explain why, but it is.
109. A metal statue is a comfortable place to sleep.
110. If a kid sings in his sleep and has a bed where his mother will hear him, don't take him to a vaudeville show.
111. If you chase a kid onto the roof and he disappears. Don't just assume he flew away. He's still up there somewhere.
112. Don't ever tell you're friend it looks like he's faking it, even if you do see him dancing without his crutch
113. Some people will never understand that the guy telling everyone what to do is the leader, and not the educated little wuss standing beside him.
114. The Jacobs always take whatever you say literally. Examples: When Jack is telling Sarah about Santa Fe and she tells him the same sun as here line, everyone else knew what he meant except her. Or when they go to Brooklyn and Spot says he's heard people saying the Manhattan newsies are "playing" like they're going on strike, Jack and Boots didn't take him literally, only Dave.
115. Never bother handing papers out individually when you can just throw them off a building, it may not be more effective, but it's faster!
116. If you name a newspaper after the world, chances are people will misunderstand your "When I created The World..." speech and think you're some nut who thinks he's God.
117. Despite their age, kids are never as innocent as they look. Come on.. Les singing My Lovey Dovey Baby in his sleep? I think we all know what he was dreaming of...
118. There IS a difference between lying and improving the truth. While lying contradicts the truth, improving the truth merely adds to it or leaves something out. Sarah is a genius. Teddy Roosevelt Abducted by Aliens... I think we all know which one is the lie and in case you don't know, the lie has nothing to do with anyone named Teddy. :)
119. Newsies are good looking, newspaper owners are greedy old men, and the dude with the dorky bowtie always works for a newspaper.
120. Hairtossing can be a good thing (especially if it's Jack or Spot).
121. Life leaves you wanting more and expecting plot twists.
122. Never do a second take!
123. If life gives you rotton fruit....have good aim.
124. As long as you know Kloppman, you'll never need an alarm clock
125. Make friends with the rats...share what you got in common!
126. When life gives you a dime a day and a few black eyes, become a newsie.
127. Newspaper vending machines are the invention of the devil.
128. If you feel the uncontrollable urge to burst into song in the middle of a crowded street, don't worry. No one will notice.
129. Nice reporters with tacky bow ties will always pay for lunch.
130. Constantly slapping your best friends is a fun game.
131. Restaurant owners don't care if you drive out the rest of their customers, so long as you do it by dancing happily on their tables.
132. If you've got a couple of real good shooters- ya might as well share them with a friend.
133. Always make room for one more newsie friend on the Horace Greely Statue!
134. You're a real newsie when you know the words and the dances (in The World Will Know, Davy really ... connects with the newsies when he learns the words at the end.)
135. Never underestimate the little guys. (Well, that's what Pulitzer did, didn't he? The newsies sure showed him!)
136. With a few good friends and a slingshot or two, you can conquer the World. (Bad pun, yes, I know, but I just couldn't resist)
137. Soaking the scabs won't always solve the problem ('cause then you just play into the bad guys' hands) .
138. Never dare to be realistic in a group of dreamers -- they'll only hit you for it.
139. Thugs don't really seem that intimidating when they're shorter than their targets' sister/girlfriend.
140. If you are going to sleep on a statue, keep in mind that it is a good idea to wash your feet.
141. If you blow your nose, make sure to fully examine the contents of the kleenex (Itey in CTB).
142. Do not rely on short Italians to supply everyone with drinks.
143. Don't give your best marbles to a guy that's only gonna shoot 'em at beer bottles.
144. If you act tougher then everybody else; everyone will agree with what you say.
145. Don't trust people that steal and expect everything to turn out dandy.
146. If there's a good lookin' guy right outside your window when you wake up; chances are you're hair will look perfect--not to worry.
147. If you want people to take you seriously you have to start by learning to spell right.
148. If somebody steals your cigar--punch the guy in the face and take it back!
149. The truth is the best insult anybody can muster.
150. If you don't know the words to a song, go with the flow.
151. Escaping from jail isn't that hard if you really want to.
152. The four things you have to do to be the most powerful newsie in all of NY, is to 1) have a slingshot, 2) have a cane, 3)wear a necklace with a key on it around your neck and 4) be really hot!!!!
153. You never really can wake up unless you have a Kloppman clock.
154. If at first you don't succeed, strike, strike again.
155. Stay away from women with large pink feathers.
156. Who cares if your shoes are new..you just need matching laces!
157. Never go to Brooklyn and expect a warm welcome of tea and cakes. Rather..clubs and evil looking newsboys.
158. Don't sweat the small stuff--if you can put your heart into the lyrics, the choreography will come.
159. If you're going to punch a bad guy, warming your fist up on a brick wall gives your swing that extra little kick.
160. Everyone--no matter what age, gender, or nation of origin--has a right to a really, really big New Yawk accent.
161. If you want to show determination and grit, wear less and less clothing as your saga progresses.
162. If you're in the middle of a really good dance number, stealing a horse has no consequences. The youth authorities, however, will find you no matter where you are in New York, no matter how long it's been since your arrest.
163. A ceiling fan will *always* hold your weight if your heart's in it.
164. Even the worst flophouse on the earth will have a state-of-the-art plumbing system. (the toilets in the Lodging House...1899. Indoor plumbing is fairly new. Kids are bathing under water pumps. But 2000 Flushes is alive and kicking!)
165. Within the heart of every dirty but photogenic boy is a singing, dancing street kid yearning to breathe free.
166. Coming at a gang member with fists flying won't do a damn thing. Irritating him with slingshots, however, will send him fleeing.
167. Stealing a loaf of bread will get the police on your tail for years. Stealing a printing press from one of the most powerful men in New York wins you points with the big guy. Moral? Think big!
168. Sometimes doing what's 'smart' isn't always what's right. It may have been smart for Jack Kelly to take the money and get out of New York. But it wasn't right. Sometimes, you have to do what's right, even if it's not the smartest idea.
169. Never take your little brother to work. You never know what he might sing at night in his sleep.
170. Never spit shake with anyone else but your best friend cause it doesn't always attract people ( have personal experience in this one *hehe*).
172. Do not mess with a newsie, you don't want to face dozens of 'brothers.' (Ex: "Let's soak 'em for Crutchy".)
173. When sleeping outside your girlfriend's house (although very uncomfortable), you wake immediately when she looks out the window and you are not stiff at all.
174. It is custom to sing and dance while you are getting dress. (How on earth can they be so chirpy so early in the morning!!!)
175. Everything happens to the new kid. (On David's first day he gets run overby Jack and the Delanceys and he gets cheated at the distrubution office.)
176. Do not mention cops - they miraculously appears. (Howcome just when Jack talked about the cops, Snyder sees him?!)
177. Breaking out into song anywhere is very normal, and actually, it's quite healthy to sing your moods.
178. Using a rope as a belt can be a very wise investment....you can use it for all sorts of things as in carrying your papes, helping someone escape from the refuge, holding your pants up, etc.
179. If you say "I'm not running any further", you always end up where you were running to.
180. Would-be goons don't really *care* if you call them "stupid apes".
181. You're not going to get his attention by dressing up like Little Bo Peep, unless he's got a sheep fetish...
182. Crotchety, old newspaper men never throw *anything* away. Just make sure to thank 'em for it.
183 If you stand up on a statue and start screaming at a crowd of teenage boys, SOMEbody's gonna throw you a stick. You'd just better hope you can break it.
184. So many different pelvic thrusts, so little time...
185. Your alarm clock may have a lifetime warantee, but it'll never sweep floors, lie to wardens, or tell you how to spell "Strike".
186. There's always gonna be someone who claims ownership of your Kid Blink-- I mean Favorite Newsie. Just remind yourself continually that she's delusional, and he really lives in *your* closet.
187. If you *want* to hear pancakes, you'll hear pancakes.
188. You may be a gymnast worthy of the Olympics, but if you're an orphan you'll still be a newsie making a dime a day (and a few balck eyes, hehe).
189. Whenever there's a toast try to get your own drink, but if you can't grab your friends and share it with him!
190. If you're afraid someone will hear you whisper and throw you in jail, go right ahead and run a noisy printing press!
191. Don't ask a smartass how he slept at night - you'll get a smartass answer.
192. Always check your fire escape in the morning, you never know what goodlooking newsie strike leader will be there.
193. If you happen to steal a horse from a band of Wild West showmen go right ahead and let it run off. It'll find it's way back!
194. Got a problem? Ask the person who jumps up on a statue - they'll know what to do!
195. If you ever meet a reporter with a couch for a bowtie, make friends. They just might know Teddy Roosevelt and solve all your problems!
196. If you're out of a job, don't send your sons to be newsies. They'll meet bad companions and probably go on strike (yeah that'll provide money for the household!).
197. Even if your name is Spot, you can still have dignity.
198. Just because you're in the background doesn't mean you can't steal the show.
199. Standing on statues makes you look really good.
200. Shaving when you have nothing to shave is perfectly fine.
201. Taking a bath while smoking a cigar doesnt usually work.
202. If you really want to make someone mad gather a huge group of people outside their window and start chanting "strike" as loud as you can.
203. Before talking to authorities take a little kid to "soften em up."
204. If you ask the question "Is so-and-so really dangerous?" and the people you asked laugh, turn around and walk quickly away or hope that the dangerous person turns out to be Spot Conlon. If it doesnt your screwed.
205. If your taking your friend to see a Vaudville Show and they havent ever seen one before, dont let them follow the actor/singer around with a star struck, moron look on his face.
206. It is not always good to carry a slingshot and a cane around Brooklyn. You might get arrested for being mistaken as a pimp.
207. If someone takes a dime away from you strike until they give it back